Small Business Advocacy

  • Created & Managed West Shore & New Dorp Lane BID's.

  • Created South Shore BID.

  • Organized multiple merchant associations.

  • Managed an Industrial Business Zone (IBZ).

  • Created a $1 million NYS Funded Small Business Grant Fund.

Community Investment

  • Secured $10 Million NYS Downtown Revitalization Initiative Grant - St. George, Staten Island.

  • Monetized NYS Empire Zone tax credits to fund creation of the Commercial Investment Credit Corporation (CICC), a Staten Island start-up business investment fund.

  • Provided financing advisory services to charter schools, including Public Prep, Bronx Charter School for Children, and Pave Academy.

  • Served as an initial underwriter for DOF loan fund and affiliate equity fund, including credit assessment, loan closings, and investment positioning for a $50 million Community Development Loan Fund (CDFI).

Strategic Planning

  • Staten Island Community Economic Development Strategy, 2020

  • Staten Island Local Needs Assessment

  • Alliance for Inclusion in the Arts Study

  • Various projects on behalf of the Empire State Economic Development Corporation, the New York City Partnership, and the NYC Economic Development Corporation

Transportation, Environment, & Open Space

  • West Shore Light Rail Phase 1 & 2 Studies

  • Staten Island Gondola Feasibility Study

  • Study Staten Island Transportation & Resiliency Study

  • Staten Island Skyway Economic & Engineering Studies

  • Place-Based Community Brownfield Planning Report

  • West Shore Storm Water Study

  • West Shore BOA

Real Estate

  • Built a 34,000 SF commercial building in Gowanus, Brooklyn.

  • Developed a $5 million 72,000 SF new building in the South Bronx for a charter school.

  • Developed ten, low-income home-ownership units in Peekskill, NY using private equity and county low-cost debt and subsidy.

  • Developed a 34,000 SF newly constructed retail and commercial property located at 497 Carroll Street in Brooklyn, NY.